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On Professionalism

By: Patharakorn Patharakorn

Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand



Find your core... create your value... strive to unleash your full potential...


คนต้องสร้างคุณค่าให้ตัวเอง คุณค่าในที่นี้คือสิ่งที่มีความจำเป็น หรือเป็นประโยชน์ต่อผู้อื่น ต่อสังคม ต่อประเทศ (แล้วแต่จะตีความ)


นี่น่าจะเป็นความหมายของความเป็น professional


Today I learned... that no matter how bad things may seem on the big picture, you 


cannot assume that the underneath is all rotten. In other words, always hope for the 


best. It is worth doing so. Give everything a shot. Don't rush to become judgemental.


Today I learned... that good things have to be build on good foundations. And the very 


foundation for a good society is its people. (the questions are... how can people with 


different set of values never contradict on the sense of how to be a 'good' person?... 


how can one except other's 'moral' values if they are contradicting to theirs? how can 


we set a standard?)


Today I learned... that good things do not just happen by chance... (that often). You 


have to work on it, put your thoughts and effort into it. Good intentions should take 


you places... weather they really can depends on how well you plan things. That can 


be one of great lessons in life.


Today I learned... that the world always has a special place for you, if you look hard 


enough and try hard enough.


Today I learned... that a little extra something can really made an impression on 



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