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Was I want to tun in Hawaii?

Crystal Jang 장수정 

Hometown: Seoul, Korea


           Was do ich want to do in Hawaii? Natuerlich I komme to learn English. Except this reason, I want eine Pause machen. It doesn’t just mean like lying down on the bed. To explain concretely, I want to joggen gehen among the Waikiki beach. Eigentlich in Korea, es gibt not genug place to go jogging. Compared to America, Koreans normalerweise don’t go jogging on the street. Wenn ich eine Chance habe, I want to learn tennis spielen. What I dream the most in Hawaii is lesen die Buecher unter dem Baum. In Hawaii, there are many Banyantree parks. Wann es ein Lueftchen weht, I’ll go to there! I’ve brung my book from Korea, it’s title is ‘Attraction’. It’s Reise essay, so I want to fuehlen like author’s Empfindlichkeit. Zum Schluss, I want to think about meine Zukunft and mein Leben. Seit I’ve given up being eine Lehrerin, I don’t know what I really want to be. I muss think of it and also my values, plan to heiraten and belief etc. In Hawaii, I want to verbessern and become a besser person als before.

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